Viper Innovative Products, LLC is a privately held company with a mission to improve law enforcement officer safety. Integrating a ballistic shield into every patrol vehicle is one way we will advance our mission. By equipping all first responders with a ballistic shield for use when responding to crimes in progress, serving warrants, felony traffic stops, and many other applications, we will enhance officer safety, reduce response times, and improve outcomes.
At Viper Innovative Products, LLC, our inspiration for new technology doesn't come from the boardroom; it comes from the seat of the patrol car. The inventor of The VIPER™ Shield Rapid Deployment System, Chad Martin, began his police career in 1998 in Lexington, KY, and currently works as a full-time officer just south of Cincinnati. Through the years, Martin has seen the role and the responsibility of the patrol officer evolve, requiring him/her to perform higher risk tactical operations without the resources that are available to more specialized officers, such as members of SWAT units. When responding to these types of calls, Martin wanted more protection than a bullet-resistant vest. He knew that if there was no time to wait for SWAT, he needed the proper equipment. The VIPER™Shield Rapid Deployment System is the solution to this problem.